Hi! Okay, I’m not sure if intros are still a thing, but I’m going to do it because this is one of my first journal posts and when you are meeting new people, you always introduce yourself right?!

My name is Heather and I’m a single mom of two little boys that are the loves of my life. I became a single mom 4 years ago and wow, has it been a wild ride. (If you read my About Me, you are up to speed, but there is sooo much to unpack.)
I’ve met so many amazing single moms along the way, each with their own story, I thought it was time to build a community.
I wanted to create a space where we could connect and I could share what I have learned, introduce you to other moms, inspire you, empower you, and hopefully give you a few laughs along the way!
I want to help you do the things that feel unimaginable, reach the goals that feel unattainable, and create the life you may feel is impossible as a Single Mom.
I have been there and am still navigating this solo roll. I have had many moments where I felt I couldn’t do something because I was on my own. You know those moments where your mind tells you it’s going to be too hard, you can’t do it on your own, you’re not strong enough… Well after a lot of hard work, I have learned that even though it is hard, YOU CAN do it and with the right mindset, YOU WILL!
So promise me you will remember – You are strong. You will make it. You CAN do it. And you WILL do it! Not only for yourself, but for the little one (or ones) that are depending on you. And I tell you this from experience, because this is what I have told myself every day for the last 4 years. And it has kept me going. Celebrate your wins and learn from the days that really take a toll. Like me, you are a Modern Single Mom!
Join me and The Modern Mom Community by clicking HERE – I would love to connect!
xo, HP